Happy New Yeeear!

Chcela by som vám zaželať, nech je budúci rok ešte krajší ako tento. Prajem vám veľa
úspechov pri blogovaní a všetkom, čo vás baví. 
Zároveň by som sa chcela poďakovať zakrásne komentáre, teším sa z každučkého jedného:)

EN: I would like to wish you happy new year. I hope that the next year will be even more
beautiful than this one. I also wish you success in blogging and other things you like.
I would like to thank you for all the sweet comments, I appreciate each and every one of
them. :)

PS: Giveaway vyhrávajú Daria a Veve. Gratulujem! :)
PS: Giveaway winners are Daria and Veve. Congrats! :)


  1. Aj tebe stastny novy rok:)

  2. Hey ! thanks for your comment
    Did you stop blogging ? Hopefully you are just taking a break. Cool photo !

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